As my previous blog stated, the fight for health care and jobs is a huge affect on people. With Dodd's idea to take away the health rights of people, people responded by protesting at his re-election. Not only was this rally against Senator Dodd but Obama as well. The community as a whole agreed that what the government is doing is unconstitutional and they feel as though their taking their rights as humans away. Kristin Ingram, who was the main supporter at the protest was asked what she would like Dodd and Obama to hear, and her response was, " I wanted them to hear our voice, they need to go back to the Constitution and give us our liberties back." I would totally agree with that. What's happening isn't personally affected me but i feel for the people who are going to most like suffer now, not only are their jobs gone, but their rights to be treated when their ill is wrong. I think what's starting to happen, and also from other sources I've read the wealthy are starting to take over, people with the upper hand tend to come first and that's what most people were protesting against: " redistribution of the wealth". A lot of this has to do with your background, and where you come from, and now a days, if your finical status isn't strong, people struggle. It's so sad but we hear about it more and more now. The protest might not have been effective, who knows, but people got their thoughts and feelings out about the rights of themselves, and they were heard which is more important then anything. The more people act out against things, the better the chance is for improvement.
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